The semantics of Mandarin Assertion Modifiers 'Dique' and 'Zhende'


  • Mengxi Yuan
  • Yurie Hara


This study provides an account of the behaviors of dique ‘indeed’ and zhende ‘really’ in assertions within the framework of dynamic semantics. We argue that dique and zhende are assertion modifiers, which modify the context change potential by adding presuppositions to the assertions. Dique adds to the assertion of p a presupposition that the proposition p has been suggested in the common ground. Zhende adds to the assertion of p another presupposition that at least one discourse participant remains uncommitted to the proposition p even after recognizing that p has been suggested in the common ground.


How to Cite

Yuan, M., & Hara, Y. (2019). The semantics of Mandarin Assertion Modifiers ’Dique’ and ’Zhende’. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 17, 617–634. Retrieved from