The syntax of split: The case of Hindi and Magahi


  • Deepak Alok


This paper provides a theoretical explanation of split construction in Hindi and Magahi, both SOV, modern Indo-Aryan languages. In both languages, all the prenominal elements can be fronted inde- pendent of the object NP. However, these elements cannot be split off from overtly Case marked object in Hindi. Magahi, on the other hand, allows split even from the Case marked objects. Furthermore, Magahi allows split from all kind of subject whereas Hindi only allows split from Dative and Instru- mental subject and the subject of Unaccusative and Unergative, but not from the subject of transitive clauses. This paper provides a unified account to derive this asymmetry by adopting the theory of “freezing” effects: Once a constituent moves it becomes opaque for extraction (Wexler and Culicover 1980, Takahashi 1994, Stepanov 2007). 


