A manner condition on causatives: Resultative compounds in Daakaka
In event (de)composition, causative predicates are traditionally analyzed as complex predicates, that denote sets of causing events e leading to a result state s (e.g. open). The additional modification of the causing event by a manner predicate (e.g. push) derives a complex resultative predicate in which both sub-eventualities are specified by respective roots (e.g. push X open or open X by pushing; Beavers 2012, Rappaport Hovav & Levin 2001, Dowty 1979). In this paper, I address causative predicates in the underdocumented Oceanic language Daakaka (Vanuatu). Based on original fieldwork, I demonstrate that, whereas in most languages, manner modification is optional in the context of causative predicates (ase.g. in English or Romance), in Daakaka, it is obligatory. This paper provides a unified semantic analysis of three types of resultative compounds in Daakaka, and makes the argument that manner verbs modify the causing event denoted by causative verbs. To account for crosslinguistic variation, I propose that languages differ as to whether they license existential closure over covert event variables (e.g. English) or require their overt realization by lexical (orfunctional) material (e.g. Daakaka).Downloads
How to Cite
Hopperdietzel, J. (2021). A manner condition on causatives: Resultative compounds in Daakaka. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 25, 412–429. https://doi.org/10.18148/sub/2021.v25i0.945