Semantic aspects of differential object marking


  • Peter de Swart
  • Helen de Hoop



Many authors have argued that there exists a relation between case morphology, on the one hand, and semantic interpretation, on the other. A recurrent pattern is that the presence of overt case corresponds with a strong interpretation, i.e., de?nite, speci?c, whereas the absence of case corresponds with a weak interpretation, i.e., inde?nite, non-speci?c. In this paper we argue on the basis of differential object marking (DOM) data that such an across- the-board correlation between semantic interpretation and case morphology often cannot be maintained as the association between a certain case and a certain interpretation can be counteracted by the requirement of this case to occur due to the animacy of a noun. The fact that animacy takes priority over de?niteness and/or speci?city in DOM systems can be explained by the fact that animacy, but not de?niteness/speci?city, is an inherent feature of nouns, a feature which cannot be changed.




How to Cite

de Swart, P., & de Hoop, H. (2019). Semantic aspects of differential object marking. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 11, 598–611.