How the Emergence of Propositions Separates Strict Interfaces from General Interface


  • Tom Roeper


How does a child utilize inferences in acquisition and ultimately separateinferences from implicatures from semantic composition? How exactly does a child recognize a truth-functional proposition? It is argued that the child begins with rich, free inferences that are systematically replaced by syntax/semantics compositional rules. Strict syntax/semantics interfaces are discussed and linked to the syntax of subject auxiliary inversion and acquisition evidence of copying (Is Bill is busy?) and long-distance movement in opaque contexts (What did she say she bought?). A connection between Tense, propositions, and Phase boundaries is argued to be a critical syntax/semantics interface.


How to Cite

Roeper, T. (2019). How the Emergence of Propositions Separates Strict Interfaces from General Interface. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 15, 55–78. Retrieved from