An Unaccusativity Diagnostic at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: 'there'-Insertion, Indefinites and Restitutive 'again'


  • Artemis Alexiadou
  • Florian Schäfer


This paper argues that the unaccusativity mismatch observed in theliterature concerning the availability of there-insertion points to a syntacticdifference between two classes of unaccusatives. The paper shows that thetheme argument of change-of-location unaccusatives occupies Spec,ResultP,while that of change-of-state unaccusatives occupies Spec,vP. Insertion ofthere is blocked in the latter case, as the theme and the expletive compete forthe same position.


How to Cite

Alexiadou, A., & Schäfer, F. (2019). An Unaccusativity Diagnostic at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: ’there’-Insertion, Indefinites and Restitutive ’again’. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 15, 101–116. Retrieved from

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