On the morphosyntactic representation of dependent quantification: distance distributivity, dependent indefinites, and Skolemization
It is commonly assumed that distance distributive elements like binominal each are operators that may or may not be related to other instances of the word each (e.g., floated each). We propose instead that binominal each is a bound variable in the Skolem term denoted by the indefinite noun phrase that each appears adjacent to. We argue that this approach captures various generalizations about the distribution of distance distributive elements within and across languages, and in particular it unifies distance distributivity with dependent indefinites as instances of the more general idea that languages sometimes morphologically mark ‘dependent quantification.’Downloads
How to Cite
Milačić, D., Singh, R., & Toivonen, I. (2019). On the morphosyntactic representation of dependent quantification: distance distributivity, dependent indefinites, and Skolemization. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 19, 431–445. https://doi.org/10.18148/sub/2015.v19i0.242