Completely Bare Swedish Superlatives


  • Elizabeth Coppock
  • Christian Josefson


This paper shows that Swedish differs from both German and English with respect to the distribution and interpretation of definiteness-marking on superlatives: Bare degree and amount superlatives unambiguously receive a relative interpretation, definite-marked amount superlatives are unambiguously ‘proportional’ (although they do not always carry a ‘more than half’ interpretation), and definite-marked degree superlatives can have an absolute or a relative reading. We show that an analysis based on movement of the superlative morpheme accounts well for the Swedish pattern but does not provide the tools for a cross-linguistically valid framework, failing in particular to account well for relative readings in conjunction with definiteness-marking. We therefore propose an alternative, non-movement approach building on a very recent treatment of the superlative morpheme, giving it access to a contrast set and an association relation. The crucial difference between Swedish on the one hand and English and German on the other hand is proposed to lie in whether the association relation is saturated through semantic composition or by context.


How to Cite

Coppock, E., & Josefson, C. (2019). Completely Bare Swedish Superlatives. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 19, 179–196. Retrieved from

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