Japanese alternative questions and a unified in-situ semantics for ka


  • Wataru Uegaki




In Japanese, the interpretation of a clause involving a wh-item and the Q-particle ka is conditioned by the syntactic position of ka. In a parallel fashion, we observe that the syntactic position of ka conditions the interpretation of a disjunctive construction of the form ?-ka ?-ka. We propose a two-tier alternative semantics for wh+ka and ka-disjunction that accounts for the parallel syntactic conditioning effect in a unified fashion.


How to Cite

Uegaki, W. (2019). Japanese alternative questions and a unified in-situ semantics for ka. Proceedings of Sinn Und Bedeutung, 21(2), 1253–1270. https://doi.org/10.18148/sub/2018.v21i2.197