////////////////////////////////////// ////////// Incentives paper code ////// Author: Charlotte Booth ///// Date: 05.12.2023 /// charlotte.booth@ucl.ac.uk /// Load data: cls clear use "file_path" /// Data processing: *create variable for response type gen response_type=0 replace response_type=1 if CW3WEB==1 replace response_type=2 if CW3TEL==1 lab def response_type 0 "no response" 1 "online" 2 "telephone" lab values response_type response_type tab response_type misstable sum (Sex White Country Poverty parent_degree mcs7_nonresponse response_type) *create global for analysis sample global if "if Sex!=. & White!=. & Country!=. & parent_degree!=." *recode telephone productive to 0 recode CW3PROD (1=0) if response_type==2 *check response rate by incentive group tab CW3PROD $if tab MCSIncentive $if tab CW3PROD MCSIncentive $if, col /// Descriptive statistics (Table 1): foreach var of varlist Sex White England Wales Scotland NI Poverty parent_degree mcs7_nonresponse CW3PROD { ttest `var' $if, by(MCSIncentive) tab `var' MCSIncentive $if } /// Incentive on response rate (Table 2): *create global for list of covariates global cov "i.Sex i.White i.Country i.Poverty i.parent_degree i.mcs7_nonresponse" *Unadjusted model reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(Unadj) sideway noparen dec(2) label *Adjusted model reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(Adj) sideway noparen dec(2) label *Interactions reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov i.MCSIncentive#i.Sex $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(#Sex) sideway noparen dec(2) label reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov i.MCSIncentive#i.White $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(#Ethnic) sideway noparen dec(2) label reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov i.MCSIncentive#i.Country $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(#Country) sideway noparen dec(2) label reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov i.MCSIncentive#i.Poverty $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(#Poverty) sideway noparen dec(2) label reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov i.MCSIncentive#i.parent_degree $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(#Paredu) sideway noparen dec(2) label reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive $cov i.MCSIncentive#i.mcs7_nonresponse $if, robust outreg2 using Response_rate_151023, excel ctitle(#Nonresp) sideway noparen dec(2) label margins i.MCSIncentive#i.mcs7_nonresponse *Sensitivity analyses (without other covariates) reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive##i.Sex $if reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive##i.White $if reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive##i.Country $if reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive##i.Poverty $if reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive##i.parent_degree $if reg CW3PROD i.MCSIncentive##i.mcs7_nonresponse $if margins i.MCSIncentive#i.mcs7_nonresponse /// Incentive on data quality (Table 3): *Data processing gen cw3_survey_mins = cw3_survey_time / 60 gen cw3_survey_mins_cont = cw3_survey_mins replace cw3_survey_mins_cont = . if cw3_survey_mins_cont < 1 replace cw3_survey_mins_cont = . if cw3_survey_mins_cont > 61 gen skip = 1 if cw3_open_length == 0 replace skip = 0 if inrange(cw3_open_length, 4, 3440) tab skip *Global for analysis sample for data quality global one "if Sex!=. & White!=. & Country!=. & parent_degree!=. & mcs7_nonresponse!=. & response_type!=2" global two "if Sex!=. & White!=. & Country!=. & parent_degree!=. & mcs7_nonresponse!=. & response_type!=2 & CW3_OUTCOME==1" tab CW3_OUTCOME $one tab straightline_soc $two sum cw3_survey_mins_cont $two *Data quality analyses svyset CW3_SPTN00 [pweight=CW3_COMBWT], strata(CW3_PTTYPE2) fpc(CW3_NH2) *1) Survey break-off svy: reg CW3_OUTCOME i.MCSIncentive $cov $one outreg2 using Data_quality_061023, excel ctitle(Drop_off) sideway noparen dec(2)label *2) Item non-response svy: reg non_resp i.MCSIncentive $cov $two outreg2 using Data_quality_061023, excel ctitle(Non_resp) sideway noparen dec(2)label *3) Straightlining svy: reg straightline_soc i.MCSIncentive $cov $two outreg2 using Data_quality_061023, excel ctitle(Straight) sideway noparen dec(2)label *4) Skipping free text svy: reg skip i.MCSIncentive $cov $two outreg2 using Data_quality_061023, excel ctitle(Incompl) sideway noparen dec(2)label *5) Speeding svy: reg cw3_survey_mins_cont i.MCSIncentive $cov $two outreg2 using Data_quality_061023, excel ctitle(Time) sideway noparen dec(2)label /// Incentive on later survey participation (Table 4): tab MCSIncentive CW3PROD $if, row tab MCSIncentive AUTPROD $if, row ttest AUTUMNPROD $if, by(MCSIncentive)