* Stata syntax file * program setup version 13.1 clear all macro drop _all set linesize 150 set more off *LOAD LINOS-1 SURVEY DATA* *Create employment status variable gen empstatus = 1 if fulltime == 1 replace empstatus = 2 if parttime == 1 replace empstatus = 3 if nonwork == 1 *IMPUTE MISSINGS* replace german = . if inlist(german,.a,.b) replace working = 0 if working == . mi set wide mi register imputed female age casmin isei east german parttime no_private /// j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_mis_inc_tax_nodk m_svy_att link //mi impute chained (pmm, knn(5)) m_trust_micro (pmm, knn(5)) age (pmm, knn(5)) casmin (pmm, knn(5)) isei (logit) east /// //(logit) german (logit) parttime (logit) no_private (logit) link (ologit) j_count_toohi /// //(pmm, knn(5)) m_trust_macro3 (pmm, knn(5)) m_svy_att (ologit) m_mis_inc_tax_nodk (logit) female=papi cawi capi m3 sample v2_w_comb i.m30 if working == 1, add(5) force rseed(98375) mi impute chained (pmm, knn(1)) m_trust_micro (pmm, knn(1)) age (pmm, knn(1)) casmin (pmm, knn(1)) isei (logit) east /// (logit) german (logit) parttime (logit) no_private (logit) link (ologit) j_count_toohi /// (pmm, knn(1)) m_trust_macro3 (pmm, knn(1)) m_svy_att (ologit) m_mis_inc_tax_nodk (logit) female=papi cawi capi m3 sample v2_w_comb i.m30 if working == 1, add(10) force rseed(98375) ************************************************************* // #3 globals - vargroups global base6 female age casmin isei east german parttime no_private global just j_count_toohi global trust m_trust_micro _1_m_trust_macro3 // abc efg global miss m_mis_inc_tax_nodk global survey_att m_svy_att mi svyset secu [pweight=v2_w_comb], strata(m30) // Consent rates (all cases) svy: tab link if m3 == 0, obs se percent svy: tab link if inlist(mode,1) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy: tab link if inlist(mode,2) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy: tab link if inlist(mode,3) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy: tab link if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy: tab link mode if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0 svy: tab link mode if inlist(mode,1,3) & m3 == 0 svy: tab link mode if inlist(mode,2,3) & m3 == 0 svy: tab link mode if inlist(mode,1,2,3) & m3 == 0 // Consent rates (all cases; ALL SA MODES VS. CAPI) gen allsa_capi = 1 if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0 replace allsa_capi = 0 if mode == 3 & m3 == 0 svy: tab link allsa_capi if inlist(mode,1,2,3) & m3 == 0 // Consent rates (working cases only) gen mark_working = 1 if working == 1 & m3 == 0 svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link, obs se percent svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link if inlist(mode,1) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link if inlist(mode,2) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link if inlist(mode,3) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0, obs se percent svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link mode if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0 svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link mode if inlist(mode,1,3) & m3 == 0 svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link mode if inlist(mode,2,3) & m3 == 0 svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link mode if inlist(mode,1,2,3) & m3 == 0 // Consent rates (working cases only; ALL SA MODES vs. CAPI) svy, subpop(mark_working): tab link allsa_capi if inlist(mode,1,2,3) & m3 == 0 // Regression model (working cases) * PAPI gen mark_papi = 1 if mode == 1 & working == 1 & m3 == 0 gen mark_papi_gross = 1 if mode == 1 & m3 == 0 *mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_papi): logit link mi estimate: svy: logit link /// $base6 /// m3 j_count_toohi /// m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 /// m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk /// if mark_papi == 1, or est sto m1_papi fitstat estat gof * for regression diagnostics *logit link $base6 m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight=v2_w_comb] if mark_papi == 1, or logit link $base6 m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight=v2_w_comb] if mark_papi == 1 & m3 == 0, or est sto m1_papi fitstat predict phat_papi somersd link phat_papi [pweight=v2_w_comb], tr(c) matrix b = e(b) local auc = b[1,1] di "Area under the Curve: " %6.5f `auc' drop phat_papi * CAWI gen mark_cawi = 1 if mode == 2 & working == 1 & m3 == 0 gen mark_cawi_gross = 1 if mode == 2 & m3 == 0 *mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_cawi): logit link svy: logit link /// $base6 /// m3 j_count_toohi /// m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 /// m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk /// if mark_cawi == 1, or est sto m2_cawi fitstat estat gof * for regression diagnostics *logit link $base6 m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight=v2_w_comb] if mark_cawi == 1, or logit link $base6 m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att [pweight=v2_w_comb] if mark_cawi == 1 & m3 == 0, or est sto m2_cawi fitstat predict phat_cawi somersd link phat_cawi [pweight=v2_w_comb], tr(c) matrix b = e(b) local auc = b[1,1] di "Area under the Curve: " %6.5f `auc' drop phat_cawi * PAPI/CAWI gen mark_papicawi = 1 if inlist(mode,1,2) & working == 1 & m3 == 0 gen mark_papicawi_gross = 1 if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0 *mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit link mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit link /// $base6 /// cawi m3 j_count_toohi /// m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 /// m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk est sto m12_papicawi fitstat estat gof * for regression diagnostics *logit link $base6 cawi m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight=v2_w_comb] if mark_papicawi == 1, or logit link $base6 cawi m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att [pweight=v2_w_comb] if mark_papicawi == 1 & m3 == 0, or est sto m12_papicawi fitstat predict phat_papicawi somersd link phat_papicawi [pweight=v2_w_comb], tr(c) matrix b = e(b) local auc = b[1,1] di "Area under the Curve: " %6.5f `auc' drop phat_papicawi * CAPI gen mark_capi = 1 if mode == 3 & working == 1 & m3 == 0 gen mark_capi_gross = 1 if mode == 3 & m3 == 0 *mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_capi): logit link mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_capi): logit link /// $base6 /// j_count_toohi /// m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 /// m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk est sto m3_capi fitstat estat gof * for regression diagnostics *logit link $base6 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight = v2_w_comb] if mark_capi == 1, or logit link $base6 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight = v2_w_comb] if mark_capi == 1 & m3 == 0, or est sto m3_capi fitstat predict phat_capi somersd link phat_capi [pweight=v2_w_comb], tr(c) matrix b = e(b) local auc = b[1,1] di "Area under the Curve: " %6.5f `auc' drop phat_capi * ALL MODES gen mark_allmode = 1 if working == 1 & m3 == 0 gen mark_allmode_gross = 1 & m3 == 0 *mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit link mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit link /// $base6 /// capi cawi m3 j_count_toohi /// m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 /// m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk ****FULL MODEL WITH MODE INTERACTIONS mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit link /// $base6 /// capi j_count_toohi /// m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 /// m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk est sto m123_allmode fitstat estat gof * for regression diagnostics *logit link $base6 capi cawi m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight = v2_w_comb] if mark_allmode == 1, or logit link $base6 capi cawi m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight = v2_w_comb] if mark_allmode == 1 & m3 == 0, or est sto m123_allmode fitstat predict phat_allmode somersd link phat_allmode [pweight=v2_w_comb], tr(c) matrix b = e(b) local auc = b[1,1] di "Area under the Curve: " %6.5f `auc' drop phat_allmode ****FULL MODEL WITH MODE INTERACTIONS FOR ALL VARIABLES (INCLUDING CONTROL VARIABLES) mi estimate, or: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit link /// i.capi##i.female i.capi##c.age i.capi##c.casmin i.capi##c.isei i.capi##i.east i.capi##i.german i.capi##i.parttime i.capi##i.no_private /// i.capi##c.j_count_toohi /// i.capi##c.m_trust_micro i.capi##c.m_trust_macro3 /// i.capi##c.m_svy_att i.capi##c.m_mis_inc_tax_nodk est sto m123_allmode fitstat estat gof * for regression diagnostics *logit link $base6 capi cawi m3 j_count_toohi m_trust_micro m_trust_macro3 m_svy_att m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight = v2_w_comb] if mark_allmode == 1, or logit link i.capi##i.female i.capi##c.age i.capi##c.casmin i.capi##c.isei i.capi##i.east i.capi##i.german i.capi##i.parttime i.capi##i.no_private /// i.capi##c.j_count_toohi /// i.capi##c.m_trust_micro i.capi##c.m_trust_macro3 /// i.capi##c.m_svy_att i.capi##c.m_mis_inc_tax_nodk [pweight = v2_w_comb] if mark_allmode == 1 & m3 == 0, or est sto m123_allmode fitstat predict phat_allmode somersd link phat_allmode [pweight=v2_w_comb], tr(c) matrix b = e(b) local auc = b[1,1] di "Area under the Curve: " %6.5f `auc' drop phat_allmode *** DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS *** gen allsa_capi = 1 if inlist(mode,1,2) & m3 == 0 replace allsa_capi = 0 if mode == 3 & m3 == 0 *PAPI svy, subpop(mark_papi): prop female svy, subpop(mark_papi): mean age svy, subpop(mark_papi): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_papi): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_papi): prop east svy, subpop(mark_papi): prop german svy, subpop(mark_papi): prop parttime svy, subpop(mark_papi): prop no_private *CAWI svy, subpop(mark_cawi): prop female svy, subpop(mark_cawi): mean age svy, subpop(mark_cawi): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_cawi): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_cawi): prop east svy, subpop(mark_cawi): prop german svy, subpop(mark_cawi): prop parttime svy, subpop(mark_cawi): prop no_private *PAPI/CAWI (WORKING CASES, NOT IMPUTED) svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop female svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi i.female test [papi]1.female = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean age svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi age test [papi]age = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi casmin test [papi]casmin = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi isei test [papi]isei = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop east svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi east test [papi]east = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop german svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi german test [papi]german = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop empstatus svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi empstatus test [papi]empstatus = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop no_private svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi no_private test [papi]no_private = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean j_count_toohi svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi j_count_toohi test [papi]j_count_toohi = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_trust_micro svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_trust_micro test [papi]m_trust_micro = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_trust_macro3 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_trust_macro3 test [papi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_svy_att svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_svy_att test [papi]m_svy_att = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [papi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *PAPI/CAWI (WORKING CASES, IMPUTED) mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop female mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi i.female test [papi]1.female = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean age mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi age test [papi]age = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean casmin mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi casmin test [papi]casmin = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean isei mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi isei test [papi]isei = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop east mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi east test [papi]east = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop german mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi german test [papi]german = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop empstatus mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi empstatus test [papi]empstatus = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): prop no_private mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi no_private test [papi]no_private = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean j_count_toohi mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi j_count_toohi test [papi]j_count_toohi = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_trust_micro mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_trust_micro test [papi]m_trust_micro = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_trust_macro3 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_trust_macro3 test [papi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_svy_att mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_svy_att test [papi]m_svy_att = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi): logit papi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [papi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *PAPI/CAWI GROSS (INCLUDES ALL CASES; NOT IMPUTED) svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop female svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi i.female test [papi]1.female = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean age svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi age test [papi]age = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi casmin test [papi]casmin = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi isei test [papi]isei = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop east svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi east test [papi]east = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop german svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi german test [papi]german = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop empstatus svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi empstatus test [papi]empstatus = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop no_private svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi no_private test [papi]no_private = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean j_count_toohi svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi j_count_toohi test [papi]j_count_toohi = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_trust_micro svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_trust_micro test [papi]m_trust_micro = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_trust_macro3 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_trust_macro3 test [papi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_svy_att svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_svy_att test [papi]m_svy_att = 0 svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [papi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *PAPI/CAWI GROSS (ALL CASES; IMPUTED) mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop female mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi i.female test [papi]1.female = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean age mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi age test [papi]age = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean casmin mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi casmin test [papi]casmin = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean isei mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi isei test [papi]isei = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop east mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi east test [papi]east = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop german mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi german test [papi]german = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop empstatus mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi empstatus test [papi]empstatus = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): prop no_private mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi no_private test [papi]no_private = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean j_count_toohi mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi j_count_toohi test [papi]j_count_toohi = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_trust_micro mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_trust_micro test [papi]m_trust_micro = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_trust_macro3 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_trust_macro3 test [papi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_svy_att mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_svy_att test [papi]m_svy_att = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_papicawi_gross): logit papi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [papi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *CAPI (WORKING CASES, NOT IMPUTED) svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop female svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean age svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop east svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop german svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop empstatus svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop no_private svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean j_count_toohi svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_trust_micro svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_trust_macro3 svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_svy_att svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk *CAPI (WORKING CASES, IMPUTED) mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop female mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean age mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean casmin mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean isei mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop east mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop german mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop empstatus mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): prop no_private mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean j_count_toohi mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_trust_micro mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_trust_macro3 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_svy_att mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk *CAPI GROSS (ALL CASES; NOT IMPUTED) svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop female svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean age svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop east svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop german svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop empstatus svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop no_private svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean j_count_toohi svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_trust_micro svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_trust_macro3 svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_svy_att svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk *CAPI GROSS (ALL CASES; IMPUTED) mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop female mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean age mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean casmin mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean isei mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop east mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop german mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop empstatus mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): prop no_private mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean j_count_toohi mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_trust_micro mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_trust_macro3 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_svy_att mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_capi_gross): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk *ALL MODES (WORKING CASES, NOT IMPUTED) svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop female svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi i.female test [allsa_capi]1.female = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean age svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi age test [allsa_capi]age = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi casmin test [allsa_capi]casmin = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi isei test [allsa_capi]isei = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop east svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi east test [allsa_capi]east = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop german svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi german test [allsa_capi]german = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop empstatus svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi i.empstatus test [allsa_capi]2.empstatus = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop no_private svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi no_private test [allsa_capi]no_private = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean j_count_toohi svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi j_count_toohi test [allsa_capi]j_count_toohi = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_trust_micro svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_trust_micro test [allsa_capi]m_trust_micro = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_trust_macro3 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_trust_macro3 test [allsa_capi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_svy_att svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_svy_att test [allsa_capi]m_svy_att = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [allsa_capi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *ALL MODES (WORKING CASES, IMPUTED) mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop female mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi i.female test [allsa_capi]1.female = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean age mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi age test [allsa_capi]age = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean casmin mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi casmin test [allsa_capi]casmin = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean isei mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi isei test [allsa_capi]isei = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop east mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi east test [allsa_capi]east = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop german mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi german test [allsa_capi]german = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop empstatus mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi i.empstatus test [allsa_capi]2.empstatus = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): prop no_private mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi no_private test [allsa_capi]no_private = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean j_count_toohi mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi j_count_toohi test [allsa_capi]j_count_toohi = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_trust_micro mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_trust_micro test [allsa_capi]m_trust_micro = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_trust_macro3 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_trust_macro3 test [allsa_capi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_svy_att mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_svy_att test [allsa_capi]m_svy_att = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode): logit allsa_capi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [allsa_capi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *ALL MODES GROSS (ALL CASES, NOT IMPUTED) svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop female svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi i.female test [allsa_capi]1.female = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean age svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi age test [allsa_capi]age = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean casmin svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi casmin test [allsa_capi]casmin = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean isei svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi isei test [allsa_capi]isei = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop east svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi east test [allsa_capi]east = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop german svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi german test [allsa_capi]german = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop empstatus svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi i.empstatus test [allsa_capi]empstatus = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop no_private svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi no_private test [allsa_capi]no_private = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean j_count_toohi svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi j_count_toohi test [allsa_capi]j_count_toohi = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_trust_micro svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_trust_micro test [allsa_capi]m_trust_micro = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_trust_macro3 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_trust_macro3 test [allsa_capi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_svy_att svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_svy_att test [allsa_capi]m_svy_att = 0 svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [allsa_capi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *ALL MODES GROSS (ALL CASES, IMPUTED) mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop female mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi i.female test [allsa_capi]1.female = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean age mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi age test [allsa_capi]age = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean casmin mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi casmin test [allsa_capi]casmin = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean isei mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi isei test [allsa_capi]isei = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop east mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi east test [allsa_capi]east = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop german mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi german test [allsa_capi]german = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop empstatus mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi i.empstatus test [allsa_capi]empstatus = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): prop no_private mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi no_private test [allsa_capi]no_private = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean j_count_toohi mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi j_count_toohi test [allsa_capi]j_count_toohi = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_trust_micro mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_trust_micro test [allsa_capi]m_trust_micro = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_trust_macro3 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_trust_macro3 test [allsa_capi]m_trust_macro3 = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_svy_att mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_svy_att test [allsa_capi]m_svy_att = 0 mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): mean m_mis_inc_tax_nodk mi estimate: svy, subpop(mark_allmode_gross): logit allsa_capi m_mis_inc_tax_nodk test [allsa_capi]m_mis_inc_tax_nodk = 0 *LOAD IEB ADMINISTRATIVE DATA* *Identify and drop cases that switched from CAPI sample to PAPI/CAWI sample gen switch2sa = 0 if inlist(m2,1,2) replace switch2sa = 1 if m31 == 2 & inlist(m2,1,2) gen linkconsent = 1 if v14==1 replace linkconsent = 0 if v14 == 2 replace linkconsent = 0 if inlist(v14,.a) gen iwmode_capi = 1 if m2 == 3 replace iwmode_capi = 0 if inlist(m2,1,2) gen iwmode_papi = 1 if m2 == 1 replace iwmode_papi = 0 if inlist(m2,2,3) gen iwmode_cawi = 1 if m2 == 2 replace iwmode_cawi = 0 if inlist(m2,1,3) gen iwmode_selfadmin = 1 if inlist(m2,1,2) replace iwmode_selfadmin = 0 if m2==3 gen capi_selfadmin = 1 if iwmode_capi == 1 replace capi_selfadmin = 0 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 gen response = 1 if inlist(m2,1,2,3) *******create weights to adjust for selection, nonresponse *Self-administered gen w_combi_gross = . label variable w_combi_gross "Combined weight for gross sample (Design & Nonresponse weight)" replace w_combi_gross = 0.36421689 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==1 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 0.26670825 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==1 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 1.62275803 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==2 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 1.06058526 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==2 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 0.70021945 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==3 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 0.62751144 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==3 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 1.69798577 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==4 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 1.60137427 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==4 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 1.17854416 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==5 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 1.18461919 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==5 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 1.80405486 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==6 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 1.70110059 if iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & strata==6 & geschlecht == 2 *CAPI replace w_combi_gross = 0.20083328 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==1 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 0.29537630 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==1 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 1.27380514 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==2 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 1.36374700 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==2 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 0.48646113 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==3 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 0.38438979 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==3 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 1.88534939 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==4 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 1.68571270 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==4 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 0.92199898 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==5 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 0.85837865 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==5 & geschlecht == 2 replace w_combi_gross = 2.14104414 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==6 & geschlecht == 1 replace w_combi_gross = 2.17070627 if iwmode_capi==1 & strata==6 & geschlecht == 2 *Create cluster variable gen secu = wo_aa replace secu = 2000000+m1 if modus2 == 1 svyset secu [pw=w_combi_gross], strata(strata) gen agecat= 1 if alter2012 >=1 & alter2012 < 25 replace agecat = 2 if alter2012 >=25 & alter2012 < 33 replace agecat = 3 if alter2012 >=33 & alter2012 < 45 replace agecat = 4 if alter2012 >=45 & alter2012 <=140 gen ndaysemp07 = 1 if tage_erw2 == 0 replace ndaysemp07 = 2 if tage_erw2 >0 & tage_erw2 <=990 replace ndaysemp07 = 3 if tage_erw2 >=991 & tage_erw2 <=1825 replace ndaysemp07 = 4 if tage_erw2 >=1826 & tage_erw2 <6313 gen propdaysemp07 = 1 if prop_empl == 0 replace propdaysemp07 = 2 if prop_empl >0 & prop_empl <55 replace propdaysemp07 = 3 if prop_empl >=55 & prop_empl <100 replace propdaysemp07 = 4 if prop_empl >=100 & prop_empl <200 gen ndaysestab = 1 if tage_bet >= 1 & tage_bet <158 replace ndaysestab = 2 if tage_bet >=158 & tage_bet <503 replace ndaysestab = 3 if tage_bet >=503 & tage_bet <2225 replace ndaysestab = 4 if tage_bet >=2225 & tage_bet <100000 gen ndaysjob = 1 if tage_job >= 1 & tage_job <153 replace ndaysjob = 2 if tage_job >=153 & tage_job <365 replace ndaysjob = 3 if tage_job >=365 & tage_job <1826 replace ndaysjob = 4 if tage_job >=1826 & tage_job <100000 gen numbenef = 1 if anz_lst == 0 replace numbenef = 2 if anz_lst == 1 replace numbenef = 3 if anz_lst == 2 replace numbenef = 4 if anz_lst == 3 replace numbenef = 5 if inrange(anz_lst,4,500) gen ndaysbenef = 1 if tage_lst == 0 replace ndaysbenef = 2 if inrange(tage_lst,1,365) replace ndaysbenef = 3 if inrange(tage_lst,366,150000) gen nempchange = 1 if changes == 0 replace nempchange = 2 if changes == 1 replace nempchange = 3 if changes == 2 replace nempchange = 4 if inrange(changes,3,100000) gen ptempl= 1 if fulltime == 0 replace ptempl = 0 if fulltime == 1 gen notempl = 1 if empl == 0 replace notempl = 0 if empl == 1 *marg_empl *unempl_1 unemp with benefit receipt *unempl_2 unemp with income assistance benefit *unempl_3 jobseeker *unempl_4 unempl with receipt of ALG1 *almp *male gen foreign = 1 if german == 0 replace foreign = 0 if german == 1 gen eastgerm = east gen wages = 1 if tentgelt1 >=0 & tentgelt1 <28.69 replace wages = 2 if tentgelt1 >=28.69 & tentgelt1 <63.96 replace wages = 3 if tentgelt1 >=63.96 & tentgelt1 <102.92 replace wages = 4 if tentgelt1 >=102.92 & tentgelt1 <100000 gen educ=1 if inlist(ip1,1,2,4) replace educ=2 if ip1 == 5 replace educ=3 if ip1 == 6 replace educ=4 if inlist(ip1,-9,.) ***BIAS ESTIMATES PAPI CAWI *Proportions (all respondents) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0, obs tab male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & switch2sa == 0 *Proportions (all respondents - EMPLOYED) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 *Proportions (Consenters) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 tab ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 *Proportions (Consenters, EMPLOYED) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 *proportions (Non-consenters) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 *proportions (Non-consenters, EMPLOYED) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_selfadmin == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 & switch2sa == 0 ***BIAS ESTIMATES CAPI *Proportions (all respondents) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) tab ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) *Proportions (all respondents, EMPLOYED) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & empl == 1 & inlist(linkconsent,0,1) *Proportions (Consenters) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 tab ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 *Proportions (Consenters, EMPLOYED) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & empl == 1 *proportions (Non-consenters) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 *proportions (Non-consenters, EMPLOYED) svy: prop male if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & iwmode_capi == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & empl == 1 ***BIAS ESTIMATES - ALL MODES *Proportions (all respondents) svy: prop male if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin male if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 test [capi_selfadmin]male = 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.agecat if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 test [capi_selfadmin]2.agecat=3.agecat=4.agecat=0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin foreign if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.educ if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin empl if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin marg_empl if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.ndaysjob if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.ndaysestab if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.nempchange if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.wages if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin unempl_3 if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin almp if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin unempl_2 if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin unempl_4 if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.numbenef if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: logit capi_selfadmin i.ndaysbenef if response == 1 & switch2sa ~= 1 *Proportions (Consenters) svy: prop male if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & linkconsent == 1 & switch2sa == 0 *proportions (Non-consenters) svy: prop male if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop agecat if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop foreign if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop educ if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop empl if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop marg_empl if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysjob if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysestab if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop propdaysemp07 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop nempchange if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop wages if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_3 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop almp if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_2 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop unempl_4 if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop numbenef if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0 svy: prop ndaysbenef if response == 1 & linkconsent == 0 & switch2sa == 0