REPLICATION FILES: These files can be used to replicate results in Gideon, Hsu, and McFall, "Heaping at Round Numbers on Financial Questions: The Role of Satisficing" version submitted 2016.12.22 Researchers should put the data files in "rawdata" and tables and figures will be saved to "output." 1.) file to replicate the results from Study 1 (Survey of Consumer Finances, 2010). This requires two data files:* (i.) scfb2013.dta: Summary Extract Public Data with demographic and financial asset data: download from SCF website (ii.) scf131.dta: full pre-production dataset -- this dataset does not have any imputed or edited values. 2.) file to replicate the results from Study 2 (Cognitive Economics Study, 2011). This requires three data files: (i.) CE2011pubV1.dta: publicly available from (ii.) ce_mcardle_merged_small_20111209.dta: this is the authors source of the CogUSA variables for personality and cognition. The CogUSA data are available on the ICPSR website. (iii.) Qtimes_071112_cld.dta: timing data for CogEcon. An extract of the timing data is publicly available from 3.) file to calculate the alpha reliability scores for the items used to calculate the personality measures: Big Five Conscientiousness, Big Five Openness, and Need for Cognition. 4.) study2_to_calc_alpha.dta: De-identified data to calculate the alpha reliability scores in *This paper uses a pre-production internal version of the Survey of Consumer Finances. A public version of the dataset is available for download at”