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Wearable electronic devices (wearables) are increasingly used to collect physical activity (PA) data (e.g., All of Us Research Program Investigators, 2019; Doherty et al., 2017). These devices include both triaxial accelerometry such as GENEActiv and consumer smart watches such as Fitbit and Apple Watch. Unlike surveys that mainly rely on self-reports for collecting PA data, wearables provide ecologically-valid, highly granular, and longitudinal data because, with wearables, in-situ PA and sedentary behaviors can be measured repeatedly and frequently. Ecologically-valid measurement means data are collected in subjects’ natural settings as they go about their normal lives aimed at enhancing generalizability and applicability of research findings to real-world scenarios and minimizing recall errors associated with the use of conventional survey approaches of data collection. Combining wearable data with survey data has allowed researchers to answer novel research questions that are not possible with the use of survey data alone (Kapteyn et al., 2018; Lathia et al., 2017). For instance, Kapteyn et al. (2018) conducted an accelerometry experiment in the Netherlands, England, and U.S., collecting both self-reports and accelerometry data, and found systematic differences between subjective and objective measurements across subgroups. In particular, the authors found that respondents over 65 described themselves equally active as younger respondents, though accelerometry data showed them to be significantly less active. With wearables, data are collected passively, reducing the need to administer survey questions and thus decreasing respondent survey burden. Additionally, the use of wearables to collect objective PA data eliminates differential item functioning associated with survey questionnaires. Questionnaire-based PA data collected in population representative studies consistently show a discrepancy between self-reports and objectively-measured PA data in relation to respondent characteristics (Kapteyn et al., 2018).
Commercially available wearables come with various sizes, shapes, technological features, and various degrees of user engagement, ranging from research-grade accelerometers, which do not provide information to the wearer on the level of PA, to devices that come with numerous user-friendly and attractive features for fully engaging and communicating with users. Use of wearables in research studies is not limited to research-grade wearables (e.g., GENEActiv, ActiGraph); some of the consumer wearables mainly intended for commercial clients (e.g., Fitbit, Apple Watch) have also been used extensively in research studies. With that in mind, it is important for researchers to have a thorough understanding of the measurement implications of different devices before they can be deployed in research studies. All wearables, except the research grade accelerometers, provide PA feedback to users in various ways, which include: (i) displaying daily PA progress on the device monitors, (ii) alerting users when daily PA goals or recommended PA level are not met, (iii) sending congratulatory messages to users when daily PA milestones are achieved, and (iv) allowing users to share achievement of daily PA milestones with peer groups and social networks. The feedback features provided by PA devices has the potential for creating response effects in which users are more likely to increase their PA level in response to the feedback compared to a situation where they receive no feedback about their PA level. The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential measurement bias introduced by wearable feedback.
Most prior clinical and intervention studies combined wearables that provide feedback with behavioral and educational approaches such as counselling and behavioral support provided by professionally-trained specialists, financial incentives, educational materials, information sessions, text messaging, online and peer supports. In other words, feedback was a desirable attribute (Brickwood et al., 2019). These studies were mainly aimed at evaluating the efficacy of multi-faceted behavioral interventions in promoting PA. This makes it difficult to disentangle the contribution of wearable feedback alone in influencing PA (Brickwood et al., 2019; Cadmus-Bertram et al., 2015; Lyons et al., 2014; Lyons et al., 2017; Mercer et al., 2016; Thompson et al., 2014; Van der Walt et al., 2018). Further, drawing a firm conclusion across prior studies has been hampered by heterogeneous findings, limited generalizability of findings due to use of convenience samples, small sample sizes, differences in study designs, use of various devices, and short study durations (Coughlin & Stewart, 2016). Despite their widespread use in numerous prior studies, studies rigorously examining the response effects of wearables that provide PA feedback independent of other factors have been limited (Brickwood et al., 2019).
In this study, we report findings from a series of field experiments we implemented among representative samples of US adults aged 50 and above, where respondents both wore PA devices that provide PA feedback, and devices that do not.
The data used in the analysis are from the Understanding America Study (UAS) Physical Activity Feedback Experimental Study (2023). The feedback study data are publicly available, but data user registration is required before the data can be accessed. Participants for this study were drawn from the UAS (USC, n.d.). Established at the University of Southern California (USC) in 2014, the UAS is a probability-based internet panel of US-households of approximately 13,000 respondents aged 18 and above. Respondents answer surveys on a computer, tablet, or smart phone, wherever they are and whenever they wish to participate. Panel members are recruited through address-based sampling. Prior access to internet is not a pre-requisite to be in the panel; respondents without prior internet access are provided with a computer tablet and broadband internet subscription. Respondents answer surveys once or twice a month. Partly as a result of this, the UAS comprises a vast amount of background information on its respondents, including extensive measures of physical and mental health, income, labor force participation, cognitive functioning, and demographics. Our study participants were drawn from a subsample of 200 UAS respondents who were 50 years or older. Respondents needed to have a smart phone or a tablet and (i) agree to wear PA wearable devices for 16 consecutive days; (ii) agree to complete an online survey at the end of each study day; (iii) return the wearable devices upon completion of the study; (iv) provide informed consent. Each participant received $50 remuneration to compensate for his/her time participating in this study. Out of the 200 drawn from the UAS, 30 did not respond to the consent survey, 40 did not meet the conditions mentioned above and 10 declined to participate.
We conducted 4 field experiments over a period of 8 months, beginning in July 2019 and ending in February 2020. Subjects were randomly assigned to the four experiments. In each of the four experiments, we used two different devices: Fitbit Versa (Fitbit Inc., San Francisco, CA n.d.), a wrist-worn device that provides PA feedback, communicates with participants and allows them to self-monitor their daily PA progress; and GENEActiv (GENEActiv, UK n.d.), a research-grade tri-axial and wrist-worn accelerometer that provides no PA feedback. In all experiments, participants were instructed to wear: (i) Fitbit 24 h/day for 7 or 8 consecutive days; (ii) both Fitbit and GENEActiv for one or two days (respondents were instructed to wear both devices on the same arm); (iii) GENEActiv 24 h/day for 7 or 8 consecutive days for a total of 15 or 16 experimental days. In experiments 1 and 3, participants were instructed to wear Fitbit first and then GENEActiv, whereas in experiments 2 and 4, participated started wearing GENEActiv first and then Fitbit after that. In experiments 3 and 4, we increased the number of days respondents wore both devices from one to two days. Respondents were instructed to charge the Fitbit for about 30–45 min each day. GENEActiv has a 30-day battery life, thus required no charging. Table 1 presents the dates of the four experiments and the manner in which they differ. Fig. 1 shows the flowchart of study participants for the 4 experiments. Of 200 sampled respondents, 30 did not respond to the consent survey, 40 did not meet the inclusion criteria (i.e., age 50 or above and having a smart phone or a tablet) and 10 declined to participate. Of the remaining 120 eligible participants, 32 individuals were assigned to experiment 1, 25 to experiment 2, 31 to experiment 3, and 32 to experiment 4. Thirty-nine participants were lost to follow-up for various reasons. Eighty-one participants provided complete and valid data for analysis. Table A1 in the Appendix presents a comparison of demographic characteristics between participants and non-participants (i.e., those lost to follow-up). The last column in Table A1 shows there are no significant differences in demographic composition between participants and non-participants.
Table 1 Experimental design setups and dates for each of the four experiments
Experiment | ||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||||
Experimental day | Date (2019) | Device worn | Date (2019) | Device worn | Date (2019) | Device worn | Date (2020) | Device worn |
Rows in italics represent experimental days when participants wore both devices concurrently F Fitbit, G GENEActiv | ||||||||
1 | Jul 17 | F | Aug 26 | G | Dec 4 | F | Jan 29 | G |
2 | Jul 18 | F | Aug 27 | G | Dec 5 | F | Jan 30 | G |
3 | Jul 19 | F | Aug 28 | G | Dec 6 | F | Jan 31 | G |
4 | Jul 20 | F | Aug 29 | G | Dec 7 | F | Feb 1 | G |
5 | Jul 21 | F | Aug 30 | G | Dec 8 | F | Feb 2 | G |
6 | Jul 22 | F | Aug 31 | G | Dec 9 | F | Feb 3 | G |
7 | Jul 23 | F | Sep 1 | G | Dec 10 | F | Feb 4 | G |
8 | Jul 24 | F + G | Sep 2 | G + F | Dec 11 | F + G | Feb 5 | G + F |
9 | Jul 25 | G | Sep 3 | F | Dec 12 | F + G | Feb 6 | G + F |
10 | Jul 26 | G | Sep 4 | F | Dec 13 | G | Feb 7 | F |
11 | Jul 27 | G | Sep 5 | F | Dec 14 | G | Feb 8 | F |
12 | Jul 28 | G | Sep 6 | F | Dec 15 | G | Feb 9 | F |
13 | Jul 29 | G | Sep 7 | F | Dec 16 | G | Feb 10 | F |
14 | Jul 30 | G | Sep 8 | F | Dec 17 | G | Feb 11 | F |
15 | Jul 31 | G | Sep 9 | F | Dec 18 | G | Feb 12 | F |
16 | – | – | – | – | Dec 19 | G | Feb 13 | F |
After 6 PM each experimental day, participants were asked to log into their UAS accounts and complete a short “end of day” survey. The survey contained questions asking participants about: (i) the PA device they wore on a given day; (ii) if they took off the device; (iii) how many times they took off the device if they took it off; (iv) the times they took off and put the device back on; (v) the various reasons they took off the device; (vi) if they faced any issues and the kind of issues they faced wearing the devices; (vii) if they checked their PA level during the day using the Fitbit and how often they checked. Participants in experiments 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 completed a total of 15 and 16 end-of-day surveys, respectively.
Our PA measures used in the analyses were in gravity (g) or acceleration units (1 g = 9.81 m/s2) (Sabia et al., 2014). GENEActiv collects acceleration data at a frequency of 50 Hz, which we aggregated to one-minute totals. Fitbit provides PA data in step counts at one-minute intervals. Thus, if a respondent wore the devices continuously, both devices generated a total of 1440 data points on a given day. Both the GENEActiv and Fitbit provided non-wear data indicating whether participants wore the devices at a given one-minute interval or not. Using the GENEActiv and Fitbit data collected for the time periods when respondents wore both devices concurrently allowed us to calibrate the Fitbit steps with GENEActiv acceleration units, so that the data from both devices were in comparable gravity units. The method used for calibration consisted of running OLS regressions of GENEActiv acceleration units on Fitbit steps for every respondent separately. This allows for translating Fitbit steps into GENEActiv acceleration units by using the predicted GENEActiv PA corresponding to Fitbit steps. We then derived average PA measures for each respondent day. To do so, for each participant and for each device we summed up the PA data across each of the 7 days when respondents wore a device and then divided by total minutes the device was worn on that day. This yielded up to 7 average PA measures for each device and each participant, in addition to the days on which they were wearing both devices (used for calibration). We dropped data for any participant days for which the daily wear time was less than 1000 min (using different cut-offs for dropping the data did not alter the conclusions of our findings).
We first computed summary statistics for our study participants’ demographics, end of day survey data, daily device wear time data, and PA data. Since our study participants were assigned to both treatment condition (i.e., wearing a Fitbit) and control condition (i.e., wearing a GENEActiv), while the order in which they wore the devices was randomly assigned, taking their individual differences in mean outcomes between Fitbit and GENEActiv wear periods and then taking the average of the mean differences across participants will generate an unbiased treatment effect. We first report our causal estimates of the feedback effect by taking the difference in mean outcomes between both conditions (Fitbit or GENEActiv) and then by performing a simple t‑test of mean difference. We then run a series of multivariate OLS regressions to address the possibility that the feedback effect could have been driven by factors other than the PA feedback itself. The covariates that entered our OLS regressions included months in which the experiments were conducted (July, August, September, December, January, February), gender (male, female), age (50–64, 65+), education (GED, some college, college and above). Some participants might have worn the Fitbit during hours of the day when they were most active and conversely worn the GENEActiv during hours of the day when they were least active, which would spuriously generate higher PA for the Fitbit. To address any concerns that the feedback effect could also have been affected by selectivity of wear time, we report estimates for 5 OLS regression models restricting the sample to various wear times. Model 1 used the full sample. Models 2–5 restricted the sample to daily GENEActiv and Fibit wear time greater than: 1000 min/day, 1200 min/day, 1000 min/day for a minimum of 5 days, 1300 min/day, respectively. To account for clustering of our data (since we potentially have up to 14 data points for each participant in the regressions), we clustered the standard errors at the participant level. All analyses were conducted using Stata (version 17.0).
Table 2 presents demographic characteristics of our study participants by experiment. The last column shows there are no significant differences in demographic composition across experiments. Overall, the ages of participants range from 50 to 83 years old with a mean age of 62. Fifty nine percent of participants are female, 10% have GED and below, 37% went to college but didn’t earn any degrees, and 53% earned at least a college degree.
Table 2 Summary statistics of study’s participants demographic characteristics (%)
Experiment | All experiments | p-value (test of demographic difference across experiments) | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Counts for each subgroup are in parentheses GED (General Educational Development) is equivalent to a high school diploma in the United States Individuals who did not complete a traditional high school program can obtain a GED by passing a series of tests that assess their knowledge and skills in core subject areas | ||||||
Gender | ||||||
Female | 76(13) | 67(12) | 52(12) | 48(11) | 59(48) | 0.239 |
Age | ||||||
Age (50–64) | 53(9) | 67(12) | 57(13) | 61(14) | 59(48) | 0.853 |
Age (65 and above) | 47(8) | 33(6) | 43(10) | 39(9) | 41(33) | |
Education | ||||||
GED or High School and below | 12(2) | 6(1) | 17(4) | 4(1) | 10(8) | 0.329 |
Some college | 53(9) | 44(8) | 22(5) | 35(8) | 37(30) | |
College and above | 35(6) | 50(9) | 61(14) | 61(14) | 53(43) | |
Number of participants | 17 | 18 | 23 | 23 | 81 |
Table A2 in the Appendix presents summary statistics of participants’ responses to end of day surveys for Fitbit and GENEActiv separately. For questions that are not applicable to the GENEActiv (e.g., if participants charged the device), “NAs” are inserted in the GENEActiv column. Device take-off rates vary by device type. Forty percent of participants reported taking off the Fitbit about once on a given day and the average take-off duration was 83 min. This compares with 11% of participants reporting taking off the GENEActiv once on a given day and the average take-off duration was 41 min. The main reason for taking off the Fitbit is “To charge the battery” (75%), and a small number of participants (9%) mentioned “To dry or clean the device” as a second reason. Eighty five percent of respondents chose “Other” as the main reason for taking off the GENEActiv. Although participants were instructed not to take off the GENEActiv when taking a shower, a majority of participants mentioned “To take a shower” as the main reason for taking off the GENEActiv under the “Other” response category (we did not include “To take a shower” as one of the possible response categories, as we were concerned that offering the response alternative might encourage the behavior). With respect to experience with wearing the devices, 94% and 88% of participants mentioned having no problems wearing the Fitbit and GENEActiv, respectively. Conditional on wearing the Fitbit, 65% of participants reported checking their PA level on a given day. Of those who reported checking, 44% mentioned they checked their PA once or twice a day, 25% four times a day, and 31% more than four times a day. Table 3 presents summary statistics for device wear time data. Across the four experiments, average daily wear times are 1323 min/day (22.05 h/day) and 1167 min/day (19.45 h/day) for GENEActiv and Fitbit, respectively.
Table 3 Summary statistics of device wear time data: Average daily device wear time in minutes (hours)
Experiment | GENEActiv | Fitbit |
1 | 1208 (20.13) | 1223 (20.38) |
2 | 1336 (22.27) | 1092 (18.20) |
3 | 1321 (22.02) | 1222 (20.37) |
4 | 1313 (21.88) | 1130 (18.83) |
Average | 1323 (22.05) | 1167 (19.45) |
Table 4 provides summary statistics of PA data and a quantitative estimate of the causal feedback effect. The first row shows summary statistics for the overall 14-days PA data (7 days when respondents wore GENEActiv only and 7 days when respondents wore Fitbit only); the overall PA mean value was calculated by summing up the PA data across 14 days, across respondents, and then divided by total minutes, considering only the time periods respondents wore the devices. The second and third rows provide similar PA data summary statistics for the 7‑days period when participants wore the GENEActiv only and the 7‑days period when participants wore the Fitbit only, respectively. The last row presents our estimate of the causal feedback effect, which is calculated as the mean PA difference between Fitbit and GENEActiv wear periods. The feedback effect is estimated at about 9.78 acceleration units (137.55–127.77), equivalent to 7% of overall PA average [(9.78/132.56) * 100], and statistically significant based on a t-test (p-value = 0.000). The PA difference between Fitbit and GENEActiv wear periods is equivalent to the treatment effect estimated from an unadjusted regression model.
Table 4 Summary statistics of PA data and quantitative estimate of feedback effect
N (Participant days) | Mean | SD | Min | Max | |
PA measurement was in gravity (g) or acceleration units (1 g = 9.81 m/s2) Feedback effect estimate = (Fibit − GENEActiv) = (c − b) = (137.55 − 127.77) = 9.78 acceleration units t‑test p-value = 0.000 | |||||
(a) Overall 14-days period (7 days when respondents wore GENEActiv only and 7 days when respondents wore Fitbit only) | 1065 | 132.56 | 45.11 | 22.02 | 407.40 |
(b) 7‑days period when participants wore GENEActiv only | 544 | 127.77 | 46.06 | 22.02 | 407.40 |
(c) 7‑days period when participants wore Fitbit only | 521 | 137.55 | 43.57 | 63.35 | 344.68 |
Table 5 presents our multivariate OLS estimates with cluster robust variance estimates. We reported in Table 4 that the overall feedback effect was 9.78 acceleration units when we did not control for any potential cofounders (i.e., unadjusted model). As can be seen from Table 5 across the 5 models in the first row, the magnitude of the feedback effect remains largely unchanged, thus is robust to the inclusion of additional factors that might also affect the PA level. The robustness of the feedback effect estimate is mainly due to our longitudinal within-subject design, while the order in which participants wore the devices was randomized. This effectively eliminated the need to control for participants’ demographic characteristics, as well as unmeasured and/or unmeasurable behavioral traits inherent across participants that could drive the PA level. Nevertheless, adding covariates to the model may increase precision of the feedback estimate, to the extent that the covariates reduce unexplained random variation across participants. Estimated coefficients for covariates have expected signs. PA level tends to be lower in Winter than in Fall; Females and the 65+ age group are less physically active than males and the 50–64 age group, respectively. Individuals with low education (GED or High School and below) are more active than individuals with some college education and above. Results are quantitatively as well as qualitatively similar if we instead estimate the regressions using linear hierarchical random-effects models (we present estimated coefficients from linear hierarchical random-effects models in Table A3 in the Appendix).
Table 5 Average PA level multivariate regression analysis
Average PA level | ||||||||||
Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Model 4 | Model 5 | ||||||
Coef. | Std. Err | Coef. | Std. Err | Coef. | Std. Err | Coef. | Std. Err | Coef. | Std. Err | |
Standard errors are cluster robust estimates to account for clustering of PA data at the participant level Sample restrictions for each of the 5 models are the following Model 1: Full sample Model 2: Fitbit and GENEActiv daily wear time greater than 1000 min Model 3: Fitbit and GENEActiv daily wear time greater than 1200 min Model 4: Participants wore Fitbit and GENEActiv for at least 1000 min/day for at least 5 days Model 5: Fitbit and GENEActiv daily wear time greater than 1300 min PA measurement was in gravity (g) or acceleration units (1 g = 9.81 m/s2) * p < 0.10; ** p < 0.05; *** p < 0.01 | ||||||||||
Device worn (Ref.: GENEActiv) | ||||||||||
Fitbit | 11.953*** | 3.071 | 8.277*** | 2.813 | 8.131*** | 2.881 | 7.440** | 3.007 | 8.977*** | 2.888 |
Month (Ref.: July) | ||||||||||
August | −13.012 | 13.685 | −11.070 | 12.350 | −8.376 | 11.837 | −15.540 | 13.937 | −8.288 | 11.278 |
September | −14.859 | 16.135 | −6.791 | 15.192 | −5.673 | 15.747 | −6.646 | 16.608 | −6.939 | 15.786 |
December | −44.649*** | 11.612 | −38.832*** | 10.220 | −37.499*** | 10.059 | −39.491*** | 11.291 | −37.668*** | 9.435 |
January | −19.026 | 12.758 | −14.096 | 10.330 | −17.696* | 10.196 | −10.515 | 11.631 | −20.546** | 9.682 |
February | −29.118** | 11.963 | −22.068** | 10.253 | −20.904** | 10.062 | −20.833* | 11.488 | −21.308** | 9.611 |
Gender (Ref.: Male) | ||||||||||
Female | −15.008* | 8.631 | −8.950 | 7.224 | −8.916 | 7.441 | −8.133 | 8.077 | −9.069 | 7.636 |
Age (Ref.: 50–64) | ||||||||||
Age 65+ | −13.945* | 7.717 | −9.077 | 7.035 | −8.799 | 7.143 | −7.904 | 7.948 | −10.067 | 7.271 |
Education (Ref.: GED) | ||||||||||
Some college | −8.721 | 15.619 | −12.707 | 16.381 | −18.999 | 15.318 | −16.281 | 18.689 | −17.519 | 14.937 |
College and above | −4.858 | 14.227 | −2.204 | 15.543 | −7.758 | 14.438 | −2.783 | 17.633 | −5.870 | 13.977 |
Constant | 170.608*** | 17.859 | 160.278*** | 17.316 | 164.124*** | 16.453 | 161.577*** | 20.803 | 163.302*** | 15.924 |
Participant days (N) | 1065 | 966 | 891 | 840 | 822 | |||||
R‑squared | 0.164 | 0.145 | 0.147 | 0.144 | 0.147 |
This study implemented a series of field experiments over a period of 8 months among UAS panel members aged 50 and above to investigate if PA feedback from wearable devices leads users to increase their PA level. We find that on average participants accumulated 7% more PA in a given day when they wore the Fitbit Versa than when they wore the GENEActiv. Our estimate of the feedback effect is robust to whether we controlled for additional confounders that might drive PA level or not. Our results are consistent with a recent meta-analysis (Brickwood et al., 2019), which found a similar average effect size across clinical intervention studies mostly aimed at promoting PA among at-risk populations that combined wearables with traditional behavioral interventions such as education materials, group or individual counselling (either in-person or by telephone), information sessions, financial incentives, text messaging, dietary restrictions, and online support.
Our study generates results with measurement and methodological implications for future studies planning on using wearables for collecting PA data. Inactivity is one of the leading contributors to premature deaths, non-communicable diseases, disabilities, and accounts for about 10% of premature deaths in the U.S (Carlson et al., 2018; Carlson et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2012). A large percentage of the U.S. adult population remains physically inactive and do not meet PA guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Blackwell & Clarke, 2018). For accurate diagnosis of population PA level and sedentary behavior, it is important that population PA data are collected using a measurement tool (or a combination of measurement tools) not affected by respondents’ behavioral responses. Most large-scale studies of population PA have used self-report questionnaires for measuring population PA (Bauman et al., 2009; Farrell et al., 2014). However, prior studies reveal that compared to younger individuals, older adults tend to significantly over-report their PA level when questionnaires are used (Kapteyn et al., 2018). The use of wearables can help address measurement issues inherent in self-reports of PA. However, as our results show, use of wearables that provide feedback can generate response effects, resulting in an overestimate of actual PA level. Ideally, research-grade wearable devices that do not provide feedback would seem to be the best measurement approach if the primary goal is to accurately assess PA. However, in view of the increasing prevalence of commercial activity trackers in the general population, using these for measurement purposes is an attractive alternative. In that case, the response effects of the feedback provided by these devices need to be accounted for.
The main strengths of our study include: (i) recruitment of study participants from a random sample from the Understanding American Study (UAS)—a probability-based online panel representative of the U.S. adult population, and (ii) use of a longitudinal within-subject experimental design that enables us to generate robust and causal estimates of the feedback effect independent of other educational and behavioral interventions, of respondents’ demographic and unmeasured and/or unmeasurable characteristics. Study limitations include the following. Our intervention period of 15–16 days was relatively short; thus, we are unable to ascertain whether the feedback effect found in our study will persist beyond the intervention period. Our study was not designed to disentangle various mechanisms that mediate or moderate the feedback effect, which would require a research design that is more elaborate than the current study.
Daily total PA as measured by wearables comes from three sources: leisure time PA, occupational PA, and commuting PA. Prior studies however show that not all PA is created equal. While the positive health benefits of leisure time PA across various health outcomes are well documented, evidence is still mixed for occupational PA with some studies indicating that occupational PA can have detrimental effects on mortality and some health outcomes (Abu-Omar & Rütten, 2008; Barengo et al., 2006; Beenackers et al., 2012; Blackwell & Clarke, 2018; Gutiérrez-Fisac et al., 2002; Oppert et al., 2006). Wearables by themselves are not able to distinguish between leisure time PA and occupational PA. Future studies should include survey questions asking participants about the time and duration they engage in various activities/tasks throughout the day. This will enable researchers to break down the overall feedback effect by various PA sources. Although the UAS is representative of the US adult population aged 18 and above, our study was limited to UAS respondents aged 50 and above having a smartphone. According to the Pew Research Center (Pew Research Center, 2021), about 83% of the US adult population owned a smartphone when the experiment was conducted in 2019–2020. Future research should also examine if the magnitude and direction of the feedback effects vary across study populations, socioeconomic subgroups, and lengths of the time period participants wear the device. Due to a relatively small sample size, our study was not able to meaningfully analyze potential mechanisms that moderate the feedback effect. Future studies should also examine various demographic, behavioral, and contextual factors that moderate the feedback effect.
In conclusion, this study found that asking participants to wear a PA device that provides feedback led to an increase in PA level by 7%. The feedback effect is robust to the inclusion of additional factors that might influence PA. Wearable PA devices should be part of future large-scale population health and aging studies. However, the type of wearable devices to be used in research studies should be selected carefully taking into full consideration device characteristics, study goals and objectives.
Informed consents were obtained from all participants. Protocols dictating conduct of this study were approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at USC.
The study was funded by a grant from the National Institute on Aging and the Social Security Administration (grant number 5U01AG054580).
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