
  • L. Beasley
  • C. Tant
  • S. Miller
  • M. Jocson


INTRODUCTION • The fast pitch softball player relies on speed to reach a base successfully. The purpose of this study was to determine the mechanical variables which contribute to the success of the player on the base paths. METHODS -Thirty-nine female NAIA and Division 11 softball players served as subjects. Subjects were tested with a battery attests based on the theoretical model proposed earlier. Subjects were also videotaped in the sagittal view running from home plate to first base. The video images were captured, transformed, smoothed, and graphed with the Arie! Performance Analysis System (APAS). Data were statistically determined with regression analysis to determine which variables would predict speed. RESULTS • The dependent variable was fly 40 time and the independent variables age, wgt, hgt, percent body fat, sit and reach, sit-ups, leg press, stat 40 times, stride length. cog displacement x, trunk inc1ination, and angular displacement at the hip, knee, and ankle. The demographie data were presented previously. The kinematic data are displayed in the table below The variable with the highest regression coefficient to the fly 40 times was leg press (r=.8692). Stat 40 time was highly correlated to fly 40 times (r=.7354). CONCLUSIONS• The kinematic variables selected did not aid in the prediction process. Because of this the model may be revised and/or different variables selected for interpretation.
