
  • T. Mistulova
  • V. Boloban


METHODOLOGY - Investigations in equilibrium for athlete's body and body system discover biomechanics of motor interaction for athletes-partners performing the exercises of acrobatics, figure-skating elements, etc. TASKS -1. To measure static stability in equilibrium for Athlete's body and body system during performance of acrobatic exercises and figure-skating elements. 2. To examine connections and relations between the indices of statodynamic stability for the body and the indices of statodynamic for body system (a pair of athletes) and their athletic achievements. METHODS AND ORGANIZATION - The following items were used during investigations: . stabilography, accelerography, video-cineregistration, tests, basic and control acrobatics exercises and figure-skating elements, expert estimation, mathematical statistics. 10 highly skilled acrobatic and sports pairs were used as subjects. RESULTS - Maintenance of statistic and dynamic stability in equilibrium for athlete's body is achieved by minimized oscillation amplitude, frequency and period, stability duration. The features of maintained body equilibrium are connected with functional responsibilities (role) of athletes-partners. The athletes performing as higher ones are more stable in static postures and dynamic equilibriums. A valid contribution of the higher partners into stability of body system by indices of body-equilibrium motor skill has been registered. High level of individual statodynamic stability characterized by oscillation frequency and stability duration for body. A leading role of the lower athletes in maintaining stability duration has been established. To maintain SDS of body system, the athletes perform the motions of horizontal, vertical, bending or twisting character individually or jointly in their different combinations. Stability of body system depends directly on the skill of performing work postures formed and balancing function.
