
  • Czeslaw WIELKI
  • Ch Noens


The idea to apply electronics to the measurement of the rachis curve dates from 1973 The aim was to eliminate any mechanical effect on the results of the measurement of the spinal curves. .In difference with the angular method, the accuracy of the electronics permits the precise measurement of whole curves lumbar and dorsal The angular method at this time has at its disposition only four extreme points of two curves of the spine The methodology of the measurement of the spinal curve was established at a pilot study (1974-1977) it concerned: the stabilisation of the subject, the control of respiration, the number of measurements and principle of registration Our calculation about the spinal curves were based on a simple application of the theorem of Pythagoras It was noted that the characteristic of the curves could be expressed in relation to the radii. Therefore it was named "Radius Method" Taking into consideration the ratio length of dorsal curve to the length of lumbar curve, was named "Dorso-Lumbar Index "DLI". Three Main-Types were established, Main-Type "A" Normal, Main-TypewB" lordotic, Main-Type "C" Kyphotic. Gradually seven Indexes were elaborated and therefore it was named "Developed Radius Method", by the Intersection Point. Analysis of the shape of the spinal curves showed the great importance of the height of the curves, and that the. Top and the Height of the curves must be measured to the cord and not to the vertical- The lumbar and dorsal parts of the curves are thus functions of their cord and not of the vertical and the measurement must be taken from C7 to the L5+4cm, 3cm for child (8%). Ten Indexes were reclassified, 4 characterize the whole rachi, 3 the dorsal part, and 3 the lumbar part and applied on 190=women and on 286 men which were called "Nonnative Grou~"T he application on the Normative Groups resulted in separated "Normative Tvvolo~v for women and men; in which the "Normative Typenwas presented by: 82.6% Type Normal A; 7.9% Type Lordotic B; 9.5% Type Kyphotic C 78 7% Type Normal A ; 11 5% type Lordotic B ; 9 8% Type Kyphotic C. This was named "Improved Radius Method with Intersection Point" giving a "Normative Typology" allowing to comparison study the spherosomatograms of individual and groups in different laboratories.
